Pipelines and Protocols

vp-describe-protocols - List protocols and config options


The system can have many protocols associated with it. A protocol is the description of actions to perform on a dataset and a pipeline is a running instance of a protocol. vp-describe-protocols can list the protocols available on the system and their config options.

command line

Usage: vp-describe-protocols [options]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --host=HOST           Host of webservice to contact
  --name=NAME           Name of cluster
                        Create a config file from a protocol and print it to
                        Specify a value to replace when outputing a config
                        file. Can specify multiple i.e. -c
                        input.PIPELINE_NAME=foo -c cluster.CLUSTER_NAME=bar

command line examples

Example 1

List all protocols available



PROTOCOL        clovr_comparative
PROTOCOL        clovr_assembly_celera
PROTOCOL        clovr_pangenome
PROTOCOL        clovr_16S
PROTOCOL        clovr_microbe_illumina
PROTOCOL        clovr_metagenomics_orfs
PROTOCOL        clovr_search
PROTOCOL        clovr_microbe_annotation
PROTOCOL        clovr_metatranscriptomics
PROTOCOL        clovr_sleep
PROTOCOL        clovr_search_webfrontend
PROTOCOL        clovr_mugsy
PROTOCOL        clovr_metagenomics_noorfs
PROTOCOL        clovr_total_metagenomics
PROTOCOL        clovr_microbe454
Example 2

Create a config file with the options from the clovr_search protocol. This config file can then be modified in order to run a pipeline.

vp-describe-protocols -p clovr_search > clovr_search.conf

Example 3

Create a config file with the options from the clovr_search protocol but specify some of the config options on the config file.

vp-describe-protocols -p clovr_search -c input.INPUT_TAG=my_input_tag -c misc.PROGRAM=blastp -c input.REF_DB_TAG > clovr_search.conf

webservice url


webservice parameters

Parameters Required Type Meaning
cluster Yes String Name of the cluster to query protocols.
protocol_name No String Specific protocol get configuration options.

webservice response

If protocol_name is not specified then a list of protocol names is returned. If protocol_name is specified than a list of lists where the first element in the inner list is the config name and the second element in the inner list is a dictionary where each dictionary has the possible values:

Parameter Required Type Meaning
default Yes String or Int or List The default value for the config option. Can be one of many types.
display No String The name the config option should be displayed as in a UI.
desc Yes String or null The description of the config option.
source No String The source the option should be populated then.
visibility No String default_hidden or always_hidden.
choices No String list A list of values the input of the option should be restricted to.

vp-run-pipeline - Run a pipeline


After a protocol has been configured the config file can be used to run a pipeline. All pipelines must have a unique name. A pipeline is run with the same name as a previous pipeline, the task id for the previous pipeline is returned. Pipelines can also be resumed if they had failed previously.

command line

Usage: vp-run-pipeline --name x --pipeline y --pipeline-config=CONFIG_FILE

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --host=HOST           Host of webservice to contact, defaults to localhost
  --name=NAME           Name of cluster
  -p PIPELINE, --pipeline=PIPELINE
                        Type of pipeline
  -n PIPELINE_NAME, --pipeline-name=PIPELINE_NAME
                        Name to give the pipeline
                        Config file to use for the pipeline
  --resume              Resume pipeline if it is not running or completed
  -q PIPELINE_QUEUE, --pipeline-queue=PIPELINE_QUEUE
                        Queue to use, not required
  -t, --print-task-name
                        Print the name of the task at the end

command line examples

Example 1

Run a clovr_search pipeline with the config file clovr_search.config named clovr_search_test_run:

vp-run-pipeline --pipeline=clovr_search --pipeline-name=clovr_search_test_run --pipeline_config=clovr_search.config

Example 2

If a pipeline failed but it can be fixed and resumed, the --resume option allows the continuation of the pipeline.

vp-run-pipeline --resume --pipeline-name=clovr_search_test_run

webservice url


webservice parameters

Parameter Required Type Meaning
cluster Yes String Name of cluster to run the pipeline on.
pipeline Yes String The type of pipeline to run, for example clovr_search.
pipeline_name Yes String The name of the pipeline.
pipeline_config Yes Dictionary Key value pairs representing the configuration of the pipeline.
pipeline_queue Yes String The queue to run the pipeline in.
overwrite Yes Boolean Overwrite the pipeline if it already exists.
resume Yes Boolean Resume the pipeline if it has failed.

webservice response

The task id for the task associated with the running pipeline.

vp-describe-pipeline - Describe the pipelines


Get a list of pipelines running on a cluster

command line

Usage: vp-describe-pipeline [options]

  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  --host=HOST  Host of webservice to contact
  --name=NAME  Name of cluster

command line examples

Example 1

List all pipelines on the local cluster:



                            Name                       TaskName     Status                 Type   Complete      Total
clovr_search_11-29-2010-15:01:57      runPipeline-1291042950.69   complete         clovr_search          6          6
clovr_search_12-01-2010-15:07:00      runPipeline-1291216061.62   complete         clovr_search          6          6
              clovr_search_24672      runPipeline-1291215248.45      error        clovr_wrapper          2          6
              clovr_search_28775      runPipeline-1291216021.45   complete        clovr_wrapper          6          6
               clovr_search_4339       runPipeline-1291042918.5   complete        clovr_wrapper          6          6
               clovr_search_8090      runPipeline-1291046316.89      error        clovr_wrapper          4          6

webservice url


webservice parameters

Parameter Required Type Meaning
cluster Yes String Name of cluster.

webservice response

A list of dictionaries is returned with the following attributes

Parameter Type Meaning
name String Name of th epipeline.
task_name String Name of task associated with the running pipeline.
status String Current status of the pipeline.
type String Type of pipeline i.e. clovr_search
completed_tasks Int Number of completed tasks.
total_tasks Int Total number of steps.