
vp-start-cluster - Start a new cluster


Start a new cluster specifying a name and credential to use. A master instance is always created and the number of exec nodes and data nodes can be specified if desired.

command line

Usage: vp-start-cluster [options]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --host=HOST           Host of webservice to contact
                        Config name, defaults to clovr.conf
  --name=NAME           Name of cluster
  --num=NUM             Number of exec nodes to start
  --cred=CRED           Credential to use
  -b, --block           Block until cluster is up
  --update_dirs         Want to update scripts dirs once instance is up
  -t, --print-task-name
                        Print the name of the task at the end

command line examples

Example 1

Start a cluster named test_cluster with the credential my_ec2_account and start no exec nodes.

vp-start-cluster --name=test_cluster --cred=my_ec2_account --num=0

webservice url


webservice parameters

Parameter Required Type Meaning
cluster Yes String The name of the cluster to create.
num_exec Yes Int The number of exec nodes to start.
num_data Yes Int The number of data nodes to start.
cred_name Yes String The name of the credential to use to start the cluster.

webservice response

The result is a string for the task name associated with starting this cluster

vp-terminate-cluster - Terminate a cluster


Terminate a running cluster and all of its exec and data nodes.

command line

Usage: vp-terminate-cluster [options]

  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  --host=HOST  Host of webservice to contact
  --name=NAME  Name of cluster
  -f, --force  Force cluster to shut down and be cleaned up, use with caution!

command line examples

Example 1

Terminate a cluster named test_cluster:

vp-terminate-cluster --name=test_cluster



webservice url


webservice parameters

Parameter Required Type Meaning
cluster Yes String The name of the cluster.
force No Boolean If the cluster is in an invalid state, such as not responding to requests, force a shut down.

webservice response


vp-describe-cluster - Describe clusters


Give a list of all running clusters or provide information for a specific cluster.

command line

Usage: vp-describe-cluster [options]

  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  --host=HOST    Host of web services to connect to, defaults to local host
  --name=NAME    Name of cluster
  -p, --partial  Load partial data if a cluster is bad
  -l, --list     List all clusters

command line examples

Example 1

List all clusters

vp-describe-cluster --list


CLUSTER diag-3
CLUSTER diag-2
CLUSTER diag-1
Example 2

Show information on a specific cluster

vp-describe-cluster --name=diag-1


MASTER  i-84b7eb2e   running
SSH     ssh -oNoneSwitch=yes -oNoneEnabled=yes -o PasswordAuthentication=no
        -o ConnectTimeout=30 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o ServerAliveInterval=30
        -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -q -i /mnt/keys/devel1.pem

webservice url


webservice parameters

Listing clusters (/vappio/ takes no parameters.

Describing a specific cluster (/vappio/ takes the following:

Parameter Required Type Meaning
cluster Yes String Name of the cluster.
partial No Boolean If a cluster is unresponsive do not error out but return a partial list of information.

webservice response

The response to listing clusters (/vappio/ is a string of cluster names (strings).

The response to describing a cluster (/vappio/ is a dictionary with the following attributes:

Parameter Type Meaning
name String Name of the cluster.
cred String Name of the credential.
execNodes Instance list List of exec instances.
dataNodes Instance list List of data instances.
master Instance Instance description for the master.
config Dictionary Key value pairs of configuration options for the cluster.

Instances are defined as the following, other attributes may be present but these are the bare minimum:

Parameter Type Meaning
amiId String The name of the image the instance is running.
instanceId String The unique id for the instances.
spotRequestId String or null If the instance is the result of a spot request this will be the spot request id string, otherwise null.
bidPrice String or null If the instance is a spot request this will be the price that was bid, otherwise null.
state String A string representing the state, valid states are pending, running and terminated.
instanceType String The type of the instance created.
key String The key the instance was created with.
instanceType String The instance type (m1.small for example).
publicDNS String The public domain name of the instance.
privateDNS String The private domain name of the string.

vp-add-instances - Add instances to a cluster


Add exec or data instances to a running cluster.

Note: This tool is currently being expanded

command line

Usage: vp-add-instances [options]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --host=HOST           Host of webservice to contact
  --name=NAME           Name of cluster (in this case public host name of
  --num=NUM             Number of nodes to create
  -b, --block           Block until cluster is up
  --update-dirs         Update scripts directories
  -t, --print-task-name
                        Print the name of the task at the end

command line examples

Example 1

Add 200 instances to the cluster named my_ec2-cluster:

vp-add-instances --name=my_ec2_cluster --num=200

webservice url


webservice parameters

Parameter Required Type Meaning
cluster Yes String Name of cluster to add instances to.
num Yes Int Number of exec instances to add.

webservice response

The response is the task name associated with adding instances