Credentials =========== vp-add-credential - Adding a credential --------------------------------------- description ^^^^^^^^^^^ Add or overwrite a new credential to the database command line ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. program-output:: vp-add-credential --help command line examples ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ **Example 1** Add an ``ec2`` credential named ``foo``: ``vp-add-credential --cred-name=foo --ctype=ec2 -c /path/to/cert.pem -p /path/to/pkey.pem`` Output ``None`` webservice url ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ /vappio/ webservice parameters ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ =============== ======== ========== ==================================================== Paramater Required Type Meaning =============== ======== ========== ==================================================== credential_name Yes String The credential name. description Yes String A description of the credential. ctype Yes String The credential type (diag, nimbus, ec2, local, etc). cert Yes String The contents of the certificate file. pkey Yes String The contents of the private key file. metadata Yes Dictionary Key value pairs for metadata used in the credential. =============== ======== ========== ==================================================== webservice response ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``None`` vp-describe-credentials - Describing credentials ------------------------------------------------ description ^^^^^^^^^^^ Get a list of the available credentials as well as the number of running instances associated with that credential. command line ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. program-output:: vp-describe-credentials --help command line examples ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ **Example 1** List all credentials and the number of instances under each: ``vp-describe-credentials`` Output:: CRED local 0 CRED diag 0 webservice url ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ /vappio/ webservice parameters ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ================ ======== =============== ==================================================================== Parameter Required Type Meaning ================ ======== =============== ==================================================================== credential_names No List of Strings This list limits the returned credentials to just those in the list. ================ ======== =============== ==================================================================== webservice response ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A list of dictionaries is returned where each dictionary contains the following keys: ============= ====== ========================================================== Parameter Type Meaning ============= ====== ========================================================== name String The name of the credential. description String The description of the credential. num_instances Int The number of active instances running on that credential. ============= ====== ==========================================================